Once again, APIB participates in the COP with indigenous leaders from all regions of Brazil to demand urgent actions to address the climate crisis. Our original rights must be respected and the demarcation of Indigenous Lands must be part of the central axis of strategies for a possible future.
We will be in Egypt to ensure that global leaders do not talk about our lives without our presence. We want to present the proposals of the Brazilian Indigenous movement for the climate confrontation.
The COP26, which took place in 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland, marked five years since the signing of the Paris Agreement and culminated in the Climate Pact, which maintained the goal of containing global warming to 1.5 º C. In that year, progress was made to make the Paris Agreement operational, finalising the details for its practical implementation, also known as the Paris Rule Book.
The COP27 intends to plan the implementation of all the promises made, in 2021, such as forest protection and climate finance. In Egypt, it is expected to negotiate points such as:
- “Loss and damage” financing so that countries on the frontline of the crisis can deal with the consequences of climate change that go beyond what they can adapt
- Fulfilling the pledge of $100 billion each year of adaptation funding from developed nations to low-income countries.
- The way in which nations must measure their emissions in a practical way so that there is a level playing field for all.

Once again, APIB participates in the COP with indigenous leaders from all regions of Brazil to demand urgent actions to address the climate crisis. Our original rights must be respected and the demarcation of Indigenous Lands must be part of the central axis of strategies for a possible future.
We will be in Egypt to ensure that global leaders do not talk about our lives without our presence. We want to present the proposals of the Brazilian Indigenous movement for the climate confrontation.
The COP26, which took place in 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland, marked five years since the signing of the Paris Agreement and culminated in the Climate Pact, which maintained the goal of containing global warming to 1.5 º C. In that year, progress was made to make the Paris Agreement operational, finalising the details for its practical implementation, also known as the Paris Rule Book.
The COP27 intends to plan the implementation of all the promises made, in 2021, such as forest protection and climate finance. In Egypt, it is expected to negotiate points such as:
- “Loss and damage” financing so that countries on the frontline of the crisis can deal with the consequences of climate change that go beyond what they can adapt
- Fulfilling the pledge of $100 billion each year of adaptation funding from developed nations to low-income countries.
- The way in which nations must measure their emissions in a practical way so that there is a level playing field for all.

Indigenous Peoples and Lands are the Reservoir for LIFE on the Planet
Demarcating our Lands and recognizing the rights of Indigenous Peoples is the best strategy against the climate crisis.
Supporting Indigenous Peoples and local communities in their traditional practices is the strategy to protect and restore ecosystems and build not only a contingency plan for the climate crisis, but also a plan for the future.
*The schedule is in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt local time and is subject to change.
8 November
10:15 – 10:20
Opening ceremony Youth Pavilion
Youth Pavilion
Education for Women and Youth event
Education Pavilion
Exchange between indigenous youth and youth from local communities PPICL Youth Round Table)
9 November
8.30 – 11.05
Who should pay for climate change?
Charmillion Club Resort, Nabq Bay
Building Indigenous and community power to stop climate change: using the law to protect our land
Anon Room (150)
16h45 – 18h15
Government transition and Brazilian socio-environmental policy
OSIRIS Room (300)
10 November
Meeting with David Kaimowitz, Tenure Facility
La defensa de la Amazonía y la lucha por el mañana
Colombian gov. pavilion
Women, youth and political leaders GATC with UK COP26 Presidency
SDG pavilion
12h30 – 13h30
Desafios do novo governo brasileiro
Press Conference Sala Luxor
14:35 – 14:42
Youth special event
Youth pavilion
Espaço para entrevistas
Pavilhão Nature
15h20 – 17h
A Justiça Climática e os Tribunais: A Proteção dos Direitos Humanos no Contexto da Crise Climática
Brazil Hub
COP27 Action
Zone of actions 2
From Seed to Satelite: Indigenous resilience strategy
Indigenous Pavillion
17h45 – 18h45
How can we make the promise of 1,7 billions of dollares a reality to Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Room Hatshepsut
11 November
Youth solutions
Youth pavilion
12 am- 1 pm
Indigenous Women, weaving ancestral knowledge to the Climate Change agenda
Hall B
Dialogue with Parties and other stakeholders LCIPP Annual Youth Round Table
Women Panel with Nina Gualinga e Culture
COP Hope House
Indigenous women of the GATC: Our perspective on Climate Change
Indigenous pavillion
Meeting with AGTC (Zac Goldsmith + Outros)
18h – 20h30
Climate Education Hub (Earthday)
Blue Zone – standard da Earthday
12 November
To be confirmed
The Right to a Healthy Environment and the Amazon tipping point – an urgent call to change the fate of the Amazon and its people
Brazil Hub
9h30 – 11h
Climate justice advocacy by Indigenous Peoples
Pavillion Benelux – EIB
Event CultureCOP
Museu Sharm el-Sheikh
13 November
Meeting with US congressman – Indigenous and Enviromental contexto in Brasil
To be confirmed
19h00 – 24h00
Party Celebrate Indigenous Voices
Camel Bar
14 November
9h30 – 19h
UN Global Pact in Brasil and UN Womens
14h – 14:30
Speeding up a New Feminist Green Deal
Press conference room 2
14h40 – 15h30
The need for external legal protection from Land grabbing
Brazil Hub
15h – 15h30
Amazon Indigenous Women: An urgente call to action
Press conference room 2
10 years of REM Programme
Pavillions Governos of Amazon
15 November
12h – 13h30
Negotiations aligment
Brazil Hub
15h – 16h15
Energey & ACE
Pavillion ODS
15h – 16h30
Women for climate justice leading the frontline of climate change solutions
Room Khufu
COP27: APIB takes its demands for Indigenous Land recognition to Egypt and reinforces climate change agenda for Lula Government
The conference comes after Lula’s victory in the presidential elections, placing Brazil back on the climate agenda
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