ATL 2022
Acolhida das delegações
19h | #ATL18anos
- Apresentação das delegações
- Recepção e fala de boas vindas da coordenação executiva da Apib e regionais
Reception of delegations
19h | #ATL18years
- Presentation of the delegations
- Reception and welcome speech by Apib's executive coordinator and regionals
Bienvenida de las delegaciones
19h | #ATL18años
- Presentación de las delegaciones
- Recepción y discurso de bienvenida por parte de la coordinación ejecutiva de Apib y regionales
10h | Plenária: #EmergênciaIndígena - Ameaças aos territórios
11h | Plenária: #AlertaCongresso - Impactos do legislativo e Lançamento da Carta aberta contra o PL 191/2020 - Frente Parlamentar
14h às 18h | Plenária: #EmergênciaIndígena Nossa Luta pela Vida: Impactos no executivo, demarcação e políticas públicas
10am | Plenary: #IndigenousEmergency - Threats to the territories
11am | Plenary: #AlertaCongresso - Impacts of the Legislative and Launch of the Open Letter against the bill 191/2020 - Parliamentary Front
2 PM - 6 PM | Plenary: #IndigenousEmergency Our struggle for life: Impacts on the Executive, Demarcation and Public Policy
10h | Plenaria: #EmergenciaIndígena - Amenazas a los territorios
11h | Plenaria: #AlertaCongresso - Impactos del Legislativo y Lanzamiento de la Carta Abierta contra el proyecto de ley 191/2020 - Frente Parlamentario
14 - 18h | Plenaria: #EmergenciaIndígena Nuestra lucha por la vida: Impactos en el Ejecutivo, Demarcación y Políticas Públicas
8h| Plenária: #AdvocaciaIndígena - Impacto do judiciário na vida dos povos indígenas
10h | Plenária Virtual com o Parlamento Europeu e ONU
14h | #ATL18anos | luta e resistência indígena
8am | Plenary: #AdvocaciaIndígena - Impact of the judiciary in the lives of indigenous peoples
10 am | Virtual Plenary with the European Parliament and UN
2 pm | #ATL18 years | struggle and indigenous resistance
8h | Plenaria: #AbocaciaIndígena - Impacto del poder judicial en la vida de los pueblos indígenas
10h | Plenario virtual con el Parlamento Europeo y la ONU
14h | #ATL18 años | lucha y resistencia indígena
8h | #LutaPelaVida - O presente e futuro da saúde indígena
14h | Plenária: #IsoladosOuDizimados - Pelas vidas dos "Povos Indígenas Isolados e de Recente Contato"
16h | Plenária: #LutaPelaVida - Sistemas de produção e economia indígena.
8am | #StruggleForLife - The present and future of indigenous health
2 pm | #IsoladosOuDizimados - For the Lives of Isolated and Newly-Contacted Indigenous Peoples
4 pm | Plenary: #StruggleForLife - Production systems and indigenous economy.
8h | #LuchaPorLaVida - El presente y el futuro de la salud indígena
14h | Plenaria: #AisladosOuDizimados - Por la Vida de los Pueblos Indígenas Aislados y Recién Contactados
16h | Plenaria: #LuchaPorLaVida - Sistemas productivos y economía indígena.
Nossas Vozes Ancestrais Retomando o Brasil: Demarcar Territórios e Aldear a Política.
9h30 | Retomando o Brasil: Vozes Diversas das primeiras Brasileiras
11h | Demarcar Territórios: Nossos corpos Territórios no Reflorestamentes
13h30 | Ritual abertura da tarde
14h | Aldear a Política: Nós pelas que nos antecederam, nós por nós e nós pelas que virão
15h30 | Caravana das Originárias
20h | Noite Cine Debate
Our Ancestral Voices Taking Back Brazil: Demarcating Territories and Indigenizing Politics.
9h30 | Retaking Brazil: Diverse Voices of Early Brazilian Women
11h | Demarcating Territories: Our Bodies Territories in Reforestation
1h30 pm | Opening Ceremony of the afternoon
2 pm | Village Politics: We for those who came before us, we for us and we for those who are to come
3.30 pm | Caravan of Originary Women
8 pm | Film Debate Night
Nuestras voces ancestrales retomando Brasil: demarcar dlosterritorios e indigenizar la política #MujeresIndigenas
9h30 | Retomando Brasil: diversas voces de las primeras mujeres brasileñas
11h | Demarcando Territorios: Nuestros Cuerpos Territorios en Reforestación
13h30 | Ceremonia de Apertura de la tarde
14h | Indigenizar la Política: Nosotros por los que nos precedieron, nosotros por nosotros y nosotros por los que vendrán
15h30 | Caravana de Mujeres Originarias 20h00 | Noche de cine debate
9h | #EmergênciaIndígena - Mobilização nacional dos movimentos
9am | #IndigenousEmergency - National mobilization of movements
9 a.m. | #EmergenciaIndígena - Movilización nacional de movimientos
- Reuniões de alinhamento das regionais para a 2 semana do ATL
- Regional alignment meetings for week 2 of ATL
- Reuniones de alineación regional para la semana 2 de ATL
9h | Plenária: #JuventudeIndígena - O futuro é agora. Plenária da juventude indígena
14h | Plenária: #IndígenasLGBTQIA+ - Diversidade indígena e a nossa força ancestral
9am | Plenary: #Indigenous Youth - The future is now. Indigenous Youth Plenary
2 pm | Plenary: #IndigenousLGBTQIA+ - Indigenous Diversity and our ancestral strength
9h | Plenario: #JuventudIndígena - El futuro es ahora. Plenario de Jóvenes Indígenas
14h | Plenaria: #IndigenousLGBTQIA+ - La Diversidad Indígena y nuestra fuerza ancestral
8h | #EducaçaoIndígena - O sistema Nacional de Educaçao e a Educaçao Escolar Indígena
10h | #EducaçaoIndígena - A Lei de Cotas na Educaçao e o Programa Bolsa Permanência
8am - #IndigenousEducation - The National Education System and Indigenous School Education
10am - #IdigenousEducation - The Quotas Law in Education and the Permanence Allowance Program
8h - #EducaciónIndígena - El Sistema Nacional de Educación y la Educación Escolar Indígena
10h - #EducaciónIndígena - La Ley de Cuotas en Educación y el Programa de Asignación de Permanencia”
9h | Plenária #LutaPelaVida | Aliança dos movimentos sociais para fortalecer a luta indígena
14h | Plenária de encerramento ATL 2022
9am | Plenary #StruggleForLife | Alliance of social movements to strengthen the indigenous struggle
2 pm | Closing Plenary ATL 2022.
9h | Plenaria #LuchaPorLaVida | Alianza de movimientos sociales para fortalecer la lucha indígena
14h | Plenario de clausura ATL 2022
Retorno das delegações
Return of delegations
Regreso de las delegaciones
“We are not alone”: indigenous leaders in ATL 2022 join forces on behalf of isolated Indigenous Peoples and of recent contact
Photo: Pure Juma| COIAB'S communicator At the Acampamento Terra Livre, in Brasilia, the panel "For the lives of isolated indigenous peoples and recent contact" warned about the attacks and setbacks suffered under the Bolsonaro government The panel discussion was held...
MST and Apib build an united kitchen for 7 thousand indigenous people in Brasília
By Geanini Hackbardt For Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil - Apib Close to the plenary tent of the 18th Free Land Camp, it is possible to hear the noise of pans beating, knives cutting and see the food loads arriving all the time. The heat of the cookers in...
Indigenous people from all over the country march in Brasilia to defend the demarcation of territories
We are at the 18th Edition of Free Land Camp (Acampamento Terra Livre ATL in Portuguese), after two years of virtual performance, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in which we lost many of our own. However, we continue with the forces of ancestry, getting back up to return to face-to-face actions with the theme: “Retaking Brazil: Demarcate the Territories and Indigenize the Politics”. This year, we will occupy the federal capital from April 4th to 14th.
We are in an election year in Brazil and to start our journey of struggles, we declare this to be the last year of the Genocidal government. Our “Indigenous April” will be marked by symbolic actions that will show our ability to fight for the demarcation and indigenization of Brazilian politics.
We start from the efforts in virtual and territories places of political and social action, based on our ancestral wisdom, in the care for the people and for the Brazilian territory to say: “yes, politics will be an indigenous territory!”. Our aim is to promote good living, reforest minds and indigenize politics. A joint and democratic way of deciding and leading futures.
We are facing urgent agendas that threaten our lives and traditions. The demarcation of our territories remains as our main flag, so the defense for life against the destruction agenda is our priority.
Indigenous April is the month of the great popular mobilizations of the Brazilian indigenous movement! In this way, we will occupy the capital of Brazil to claim our rights guaranteed in the 1988 Constitution.
Our fight is for the land, for life, for our natural resources and for the sovereignty of the Brazilian people!
We are in an election year in Brazil and to start our journey of struggles, we declare this to be the last year of the Genocidal government. Our “Indigenous April” will be marked by symbolic actions that will show our ability to fight for the demarcation and indigenization of Brazilian politics.
We are at the 18th Edition of Free Land Camp (Acampamento Terra Livre ATL in Portuguese), after two years of virtual performance, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in which we lost many of our own. However, we continue with the forces of ancestry, getting back up to return to face-to-face actions with the theme: “Retaking Brazil: Demarcate the Territories and Indigenize the Politics”. This year, we will occupy the federal capital from April 4th to 14th.
We are in an election year in Brazil and to start our journey of struggles, we declare this to be the last year of the Genocidal government. Our “Indigenous April” will be marked by symbolic actions that will show our ability to fight for the demarcation and indigenization of Brazilian politics.
We start from the efforts in virtual and territories places of political and social action, based on our ancestral wisdom, in the care for the people and for the Brazilian territory to say: “yes, politics will be an indigenous territory!”. Our aim is to promote good living, reforest minds and indigenize politics. A joint and democratic way of deciding and leading futures.
We are facing urgent agendas that threaten our lives and traditions. The demarcation of our territories remains as our main flag, so the defense for life against the destruction agenda is our priority.
Indigenous April is the month of the great popular mobilizations of the Brazilian indigenous movement! In this way, we will occupy the capital of Brazil to claim our rights guaranteed in the 1988 Constitution.
Our fight is for the land, for life, for our natural resources and for the sovereignty of the Brazilian people!
We are in an election year in Brazil and to start our journey of struggles, we declare this to be the last year of the Genocidal government. Our “Indigenous April” will be marked by symbolic actions that will show our ability to fight for the demarcation and indigenization of Brazilian politics.
Since 2004, the Brazilian indigenous movement has articulated the largest mobilization of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil, the Acampamento Terra Livre (Free Land Camp).
To guarantee the installation of the ATL, and all the necessary infrastructure, your support is extremely important!
The donations enable the physical structure, food, drinking water, security, and support items for the campers, such as blankets, mattresses, tents, medicine and other demands.
Since 2004, the Brazilian indigenous movement has articulated the largest mobilization of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil, the Acampamento Terra Livre (Free Land Camp).
To guarantee the installation of the ATL, and all the necessary infrastructure, your support is extremely important!
The donations enable the physical structure, food, drinking water, security, and support items for the campers, such as blankets, mattresses, tents, medicine and other demands.